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An informal group comprised of writers, composers, lyricists,

directors, producers and fine artists has come together to create and

produce a new musical, LEMONADE FOR THE LAWNBOY.  Inspired by

the book of the same name, and adapted for the stage by Minnesota

playwright Greta Grosch, this new musical combines the music of

Jimmy Kennedy and Joe Weismann (of the Minnesota band the Smarts)

with the art of David W. Cook II, aka the "Lawnboy," and explores the

process of recovery through art. 



David, the Lawnboy, is an artist and recovering addict.  Throughout the show we watch as he creates a bevy of "upper crust" ladies out of found objects: chicken wire, a garden hose, duct tape, a plunger, etc.  These grand ladies come to life to form "the Executives' Wives Cookbook Committee" in order to raise funds for worthy causes.  The world of these ladies is colorful, and campy, and musical, and exists only in David's head.  In the alternative black-and-white world of a suburban garage we meet Janet, a widow, and learn that David is living in her house. 

Janet took David in when he needed a place to go, and an unlikely friendship was born.  As they both struggle to regain their footing, they drink countless cups of coffee while bickering like an old married couple.  This real world is non-musical.  While the audience is privy to the ladies' interactions with their "Lawnboy," Janet only sees an unhealthy obsession.  Likewise, the "ladies" do not know Janet exists.  They believe they are living in a fabulously glamorous world that revolves around them.  David is torn between these worlds.

Each of these "ladies" reflects a part of David struggling with recovery.  As we watch him create his art, we watch as he tries to figure this out for himself.  David eventually creates Molly McCurdle.  Molly lives in her own little world, but is the first "lady" to be aware of his alternate reality.  When she asks the Lawnboy, "Who's Janet?" — his worlds begin to collide. 

Based on a true story, LEMONADE FOR THE LAWNBOY  holds a play within its Musical and, together, this charming story employs parody, a great deal of heart, and some spectacular works of art.  But it is the story of the Lawnboy himself that drives the plot, and the story behind the story that touches our hearts.

© 2016 Greta Grosch Presents LLC dba Lawnboy Musical
Webdesign by Ryan Paul North
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